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Highly configurable to your unique department rules

The last fire department management system you'll need

Past processes no longer work

Firefighters put their lives on the line to protect their communities from fires and medical emergencies. However, while their equipment and apparatuses have become more advanced over the years, many stations still find themselves struggling to improve their department’s administrative processes and operations. This results in departments having built manual processes around the various scheduling, shift filling, and overtime rules adopted over many years, making a change even more daunting.

Firehouse247 is changing the game

Firehouse 247 is enabling Fire Departments to leave behind their current white box solutions, spreadsheets, and archaic paper processes for a powerful yet easy to use scheduling, shift filling, work management, and payroll reporting solution, including best-in-class deployment services to ensure a smooth transition.

We're the key to streamlined workflow

Firehouse247 enables Fire Departments to automatically fill overtime shifts, details and callbacks according to your unique department policies or union rules, as well as provides robust payroll reporting and audit logs to eliminate errors and conflicts among the firefighters.

With the power of a configurable system to your rules, Firehouse247 will be the last scheduling tool you need.

Automated Shift Filling

Firehouse247 is designed and implemented to strictly follow your department and union rules. This leaves no room for human error and saves countless hours calling members manually to fill a calendar.

Staffing Warnings

Manually set the specific notifications each rank will receive from the system, giving you peace of mind knowing your members are always up to date on the latest department developments.

Procedural Scheduling

Oversee PTO, open positions, and station coverage from one main calendar. Save time handling rotating assignments and perform manual schedule overrides effortlessly in one place.

Flexible Details Module

You no longer need to call down long lists, simply fill in the detail creation form and either manually fill it from select members or fill it automatically in line with your department policies and union rules.

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